Jacob to Israel (Jeshurun)!

Question: Can you explain the significance of the two houses (Israelites and Judah)?


The origin; and some detail is in Gen. 32:24–30. Jacob is the “father” of all the Tribes of Israel; (Gen. 25–50)!

As can be seen when studying Jacob’s progress from the “birth-right” event onwards, “God was with him”, and even before he arrived at his uncle Laban’s dwelling, he had declared his trust in Almighty God, after experiencing “Jacob’s Ladder”!

Laban’s deceit led to an increased determination in Jacob to “press on” and trust God for the outcome.

His purity of motive in his extended work for Laban produced the desired result in terms of his two wives, and growing wealth, in terms of Laban’s increased flocks and his own, was underpinned by God’s approval; not the standards of modern concepts of fairness and equity!

His trust in God’s oversight and outcome for him; led to that much-favoured comment from God; “you have struggled with the man and God, and prevailed, therefore you will no longer be called Jacob but Israel meaning (God commands and directs)”; which will not happen until they are “a Kingdom of Priests unto God” after the Jews are saved out of “Jacob’s Trouble” by the Risen and Returned Christ Jesus!

This is the True Christian’s view of that remarkable event, and may not tally with your own, or Jewish teaching!


Jacob's Rejection  (Study)

Jacob's Trouble  (Study)


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